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Good Golly

1m x 1m Lamda print


concept: Susan Maco Forrester image: Susan Maco Forrester & Ange Bailey.

Good Golly is a response to the proliferation of the gollywog doll in Australia, which I find bewildering. I was repeatedly called one , affectionately, when I migrated to Australia as a child. Sometimes its better to let sleeping dolls die.

Queen Arawelo

Lamda print 2m x 1m


model: Kaytsen Jama


Queen Arawelo was an ancient Somali Queen who has inspired my cousin Kaytsen and myself. She was strong and and bold, infact she jailed men who mistreated their wives.


Concept, Susan Maco Forrester, (c), Image,Susan Maco Forrester, Ange Bailey, (c).

Freshwater mermaid

2m x 1m Lamda print

Hannah Donnelly is a Wiradjuri woman from New South Wales who grew up on Gamilaroi country. Creator of Sovereign Trax Indigenous music website and spoken word artist, Hannah became a freshwater mermaid, a cultural spirit, a freshwater siren.

Concept, Susan Maco Forrester, (c), Image,Susan Maco Forrester, Ange Bailey, (c).

Double Trouble

2m x 1.5m Lamda Print


This work is representation of Shabishh jiin, a female creature with hooved feet that is part of my Somali culture, if we were naughty she was gonna come and get us.. I added blackface to portray the double threat of such a woman in western society muslim and blak..


Concept, Susan Maco Forrester, (c), Image,Susan Maco Forrester, Ange Bailey, (c).

Anchor 1

Mum & Dad Children of the empire

Wood and gilt frame paper, photographic images, text. 2m x 1.5 m


My Mother was a Somali Air Hostess living in Nairobi Kenya in the early 1960's and met my Dad a Military policeman at Jomo Kenyatta airport. When posted to Northern ireland my Mum collected the 'British Empire' magazine series for Dad. I have often wondered why.....


Concept, Susan Maco Forrester, (c), Image,Susan Maco Forrester, (c).

Still: Good Golly

video, sound 3:45 Please see 'video slideshow' page for full video.

Anchor 2
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